About EcoAdvis & Pulsora

We Enable Greater Transparency in ESG Management, together!

Our Mission

We are on a mission to enable greater transparency and traceability in nature-based environmental management.

Innovative Solutions

We continuously push the boundaries of innovation to deliver solutions so we together can help our globe to heal.

Expertise Focused

Our team of more than 200 seasoned professionals brings unmatched expertise to everything we do. We are on a mission to be solved.

Collective Efforts

We thrive on fostering collective efforts that result in natural impact. The 100% Together Cooperative is a venture to solve scope 3 for all.


Our clients are at the core of all we do, and we tailor our solutions to meet their needs and aspirations. The overall goal is to help nature.

Our Current Collective Impact


Hectares available for planting


tCO2e to be absorbed next 20 years


Companies on our platforms


people covered for their scope 3 emissions in a 80 year lifespan

Our Points of Contact

Meet the great minds behind our success – Contact them if you want!

Kent Mørk

CEO, EcoAdvis Global

Hanne H. Berg

CEO, EcoAdvis Norway

Cathrine S. Thorp

CMO, EcoAdvis Norway

Dag R. Abrahamsen

COB, EcoAdvis Global

Murat Sönmez

Co-Founder & CEO, Pulsora

Wolfgang Sölch

Head of EMEA, Pulsora

Loretta Schwaebe

Account Executive. Pulsora

Head of Marketing, Pulsora

Birgit Ballhause

CEO, Spera Act

Matthias Neuberg

Advisory Board, Spera Act

Stay Connected with Us

Creating A Greener & Healthier Futurer, Together

Connect with us to explore how we can make a greener and healthier future, together.

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