VCMI’s Public Consultation on Beta Scope 3 Claim: A Comprehensive Analysis

Understanding Scope 3 Emissions

Scope 3 emissions encompass all indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain, excluding those from purchased electricity, heat, and steam, which are categorized as Scope 2. These emissions often represent the largest portion of a company’s carbon footprint and include a diverse range of activities from supplier manufacturing processes to end-use of sold products.

The VCMI’s Initiative

The VCMI’s public consultation on the Beta Scope 3 Claim focuses on enhancing the transparency, credibility, and effectiveness of Scope 3 emissions reporting and mitigation strategies. This initiative aligns with their broader mission to ensure that carbon credits used by companies to meet their climate targets are high-quality and contribute to real, verifiable emission reductions.

Key Goals of the Consultation

  1. Stakeholder Engagement: The consultation aims to gather input from a wide range of stakeholders, including businesses, policymakers, environmental organizations, and the public, to refine the Scope 3 Claim framework.
  2. Methodological Rigor: VCMI emphasizes the need for robust methodologies that accurately capture the complexities of Scope 3 emissions. This includes developing clear guidelines for data collection, reporting, and verification.
  3. Alignment with Global Standards: The initiative seeks to harmonize the Scope 3 Claim with existing global standards and best practices, ensuring consistency and reliability in emissions reporting – SBTi Source.

The Role of the Science Based Targets Initiative

The SBTi has been instrumental in advancing corporate climate action by providing methodologies and guidance for setting science-based emissions reduction targets. Their work on Scope 3 emissions is particularly relevant to the VCMI’s efforts.

SBTi’s Scope 3 Guidance

The SBTi’s guidance for Scope 3 targets includes several key components:

  1. Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA): This method provides sector-specific pathways for emissions reduction, taking into account the unique characteristics and potentials of different industries. For instance, a company might use the aluminum sector pathway for its purchased aluminum or the commercial buildings pathway for its leased assets.
  2. Absolute Contraction: This method applies a uniform reduction rate to all companies, aligning with global emissions reduction trajectories necessary to stay within a 1.5°C warming scenario. It is straightforward and ensures consistency across sectors.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Unit of Value Added (GEVA): This intensity-based target sets reduction goals relative to economic value added, allowing companies to grow while reducing their emissions intensity.

Challenges and Solutions in Scope 3 Emissions

Addressing Scope 3 emissions involves several challenges, from data collection to supplier engagement. The SBTi has identified key barriers and potential solutions:

Data Collection

Supplier Engagement

Financial Institutions and Scope 3

Financial institutions face unique challenges in managing Scope 3 emissions, primarily from their investment and lending activities. The SBTi’s guidance for financial institutions underscores the importance of including these emissions in their climate strategies. While the current framework primarily addresses financed emissions, comprehensive Scope 3 targets are anticipated to become mandatory as standards evolve.

EcoAdvis and the 100% Together Cooperative

The 100% Together Cooperative

The 100% Together Cooperative has a single, focused goal: to reduce Scope 3 emissions collectively. This cooperative employs a financing mechanism that accelerates as the price for high-quality carbon credits surges, making it a resilient and adaptive strategy.

  1. Financing Mechanism: The cooperative’s financing mechanism is designed to become more effective as the market price for high-quality carbon credits increases. This ensures that the cooperative can sustain its operations and amplify its impact even as market conditions evolve.
  2. Partnerships and Ocean Areas: EcoAdvis has secured partnerships and access to ocean areas capable of removing several billion tons of CO2e at a market-low price. These areas are managed with the highest possible integrity, transparency, and traceability, from seed to retirement of the carbon credits. This ensures that the emissions reductions are not only cost-effective but also credible and verifiable.

Implications for Corporate Climate Action

The integration of robust Scope 3 emissions frameworks into corporate strategies is critical for achieving global climate goals. Companies that proactively address their entire value chain emissions not only contribute to global decarbonization efforts but also gain competitive advantages, including enhanced investor confidence, regulatory compliance, and brand reputation.

Enhanced Credibility and Market Position

By adopting stringent Scope 3 emissions reduction strategies, companies can enhance their credibility and market position. This is particularly important as stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulators, increasingly demand transparent and verifiable climate action.

Long-term Sustainability

Engaging with initiatives like the VCMI and the SBTi, and adopting innovative approaches like those of EcoAdvis, positions companies for long-term sustainability. These efforts ensure that companies are not only compliant with current regulations but also resilient to future environmental and market challenges.


The VCMI’s public consultation on the Beta Scope 3 Claim represents a significant advancement in the evolution of corporate climate accountability. By refining the methodologies and standards for Scope 3 emissions, the initiative aims to drive significant progress in global emissions reduction efforts. Coupled with the SBTi’s rigorous guidance and innovative approaches like those of EcoAdvis, this initiative provides a pathway for companies to align their climate strategies with science-based targets, ensuring meaningful contributions to the fight against climate change.

For companies and organizations committed to sustainability, engaging with these initiatives and adhering to the evolving standards will be essential steps in their journey towards net-zero emissions and a sustainable future.

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